Will ‘being human’ never happen? When I was in the womb, the outside world began the arrangements to receive me. The division started since then. Then, as I grew up, I realized that without my knowledge, I was divided into caste, religion, caste, gender, class, status, and regionalism. I was torn to pieces but I did not understand. Now, that segregated me is much bigger than my human identity.
I've been hearing this since I was a kid; Adults, teachers used to urge me to be ‘human’. Some said to be ‘humane like humans’. I don't know what they meant by 'being human', but as I got older I have come to make sense of it on my own. I have never been human and I don’t think it will ever happen for me. My fragmented identities have become so large that the individual human identities seem so inappropriate even ridiculous.
Still, I want to be hopeful that the day will come when the divisions come to unison and the pieces unite for me to become a real human. It will definitely come.